Mr.Be1ieVe's Treasure


From Zero To Keep Learning

本文作为备份,给19,20的学弟学妹们学习。 多读书,多看推送,多学习 Week 1 原文-精简版 我的学习过程 graph TD; First[用Typora写md笔记];


Path traversal 2 请求 URL: http://localhost:8080/WebGoat/PathTraversal/profile-upload 请求方法: POST 全局搜索后找到 跳入 ProfileUploadBase类,看里面的execute函数 先检查file和fullName


Intro 2 select 点击submit后, 查看数据包,发往/SqlInjection/attack2, 表单数据为query: select * from Employees where first_name='Bob'; 别的查询都不会返回数


IDEA配置 下载idea之后, webgoat要求 * Java 15 * Maven > 3.2.1 * Your favorite IDE * Git, or Git support in your IDE 但是调试的话, 只安装java即可 安装好后先配置Proj


协议支持列表 22 ssh : a Secure Shell server which alerts on login attempts 21 ftp - a File Transfer Protocol server which on login attempts git - a Git protocol which alerts on repo cloning 80 http - an HTTP web server that alerts on login attempts httpproxy - an HTTP web proxy that alerts when there is an attempt to proxy to another page